Prayer Letters

The Journey with the Lord in Korea


Dear brothers and sisters, We appreciate your sincere, continued prayers for us.
The Lord has been so good to us! He has already answered many of our prayers.
He gave us a wonderful home church here at Pensacola,
He allowed us to meet a lot of new friends who now became our strong prayer warriors.

This summer we are gearing up to be on our deputation for the future ministry in Korea.
The Lord has called us to evangelize the next generation in South Korea. Our country is very well-developed with high-standard education and technologies, but because of these, children and teenagers are still wandering around in the wilderness without hope, not knowing their true Savior. Our burden is to reach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the next generation and equip them to be the strong soldier of Christ.

Here’s our ministries:
Gospel Outreach
Christian School
Training Christian Teachers
Camp Ministry & VBS
Youth Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Music Ministry

Please support us with your prayers. Reaching the Word of God and starting a Christian school in Korea is not an easy matter. I am sure Satan will try everything to stop us, but the task before us is never greater than the power of God behind us!

Also please do let us know if you would like to have us in your church this summer or sometime in the future. Please send us messages or e-mail so we can plan for the visit. We appreciate your prayers!

“And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

Ims To Korea

Contact Info

7000 Pensacola Bvld, Pensacola, FL

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